“Still mystified that apparently Dave Chapelle’s deal is that he says whatever he wants and Netflix just has to air it, unedited. Is that normal, for comedians?” Bob-Waksberg asked on Twitter. “Because Netflix once asked me to change a joke because they were worried it might upset David Fincher.”

“Just looked up the cut Fincher joke because I actually couldn’t remember it,” Bob-Waksberg continued. “Turns out it was a whole scene! Netflix was right to note, it’s a dumb scene. My point was it’s silly for a network to pretend their hands are tied when it comes to the content they put on their network.” The scene in question finds “BoJack” character Princess Carolyn (voiced by Amy Sedaris) meeting David Fincher at a baby shower. Fincher greets Princess Carolyn by saying, “What’s up, slut?” Princess Carolyn calls Fincher a “skinny bitch.” The scene builds to a punchline that references Fincher’s famous “what’s in the box?” scene from “Seven.” The scene was written for the seventh episode of the first season, which Bob-Waksberg reminded his followers “was early in the show’s run and we were still getting out some kinks as far as tone and process.” All seasons of “BoJack Horseman” are available to stream on Netflix. Read the cut David Fincher scene in its entirety below.

— Raphael Bob-Waksberg (@RaphaelBW) December 7, 2021

— Raphael Bob-Waksberg (@RaphaelBW) December 7, 2021

— Raphael Bob-Waksberg (@RaphaelBW) December 7, 2021

— Raphael Bob-Waksberg (@RaphaelBW) December 8, 2021 Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.