“I was tucking in my shirt after taking off the recording equipment,” Giuliani tweeted on Wednesday. “At no time before, during, or after the interview was I ever inappropriate. If Sacha Baron Cohen implies otherwise he is a stone-cold liar.” Star and producer Baron Cohen disagrees.

“Well I would say that if the President’s lawyer found what he did there appropriate behavior, then heaven knows what he’s done with other female journalists in hotel rooms,” Baron Cohen said. “I just urge everyone to watch the movie. It is what it is. He did what he did. Make your own mind up. It was pretty clear to us.” (Either way, as IndieWire’s Chris O’Falt wrote this week, the moment reveals a staggering lack of judgement on Giuliani’s part.) Cohen also said that logistically he “was quite concerned for her in the scene. We built a hideaway I was hiding in during the scene. I was monitoring her by text. It’s my responsibility as a producer as well to assure the lead actor is looked after.”

— Good Morning America (@GMA) October 23, 2020

At no time before, during, or after the interview was I ever inappropriate. If Sacha Baron Cohen implies otherwise he is a stone-cold liar. — Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 21, 2020 Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.