Directed by David Gordon Green, this is the 10th installment in the series originated by John Carpenter and serves as a direct sequel to his 2018 “Halloween.” Written by Green, Danny McBride, and Scott Teems, “Halloween Kills” launches October 15, 2021 from Universal Pictures. Watch the trailer below. During a recent interview with SiriusXM’s Jess Cagle and co-host Julia Cunningham (via Collider), returning star Jamie Lee Curtis talked about her role as survivor Laurie Strode and teased the movie’s timely resonance with the current moment. “What we were seeing around the country of the power, of the rage of voices, big groups of people coming together enraged at the set of circumstances, that’s what the movie is,” she said. “The movie is about a mob. And so it’s very interesting because it takes on what happens when trauma infects an entire community. And we’re seeing it everywhere with the Black Lives Matter movement. We’re seeing it in action and ‘Halloween Kills’ weirdly enough, dovetailed onto that, proceeded it, it was written before that occurred, but then of course, so when you see it, it’s a seething group of people moving through the story as a big angry group, it’s really, really, really intense. It’s a masterpiece.”

Also starring in “Halloween Kills” are Judy Greer, Anthony Michael Hall, and Kyle Richards. Green and screenwriter Danny McBride’s “Halloween” — co-written by Jeff Fradley — brought Michael Myers back into the good graces of both critics and audiences in 2018, earning positive reviews and racking in a scary-good $255 million globally off a $10 million budget. The 2018 version served as a direct sequel to John Carpenter’s 1978 classic, ignoring the many sequels and remakes in between. “Halloween Kills” will be followed up in October 2021 with “Halloween Ends,” David Gordon Green’s last effort in the franchise. Series maestro John Carpenter recently said that these upcoming “Halloween” films probably won’t be the last, even if they do finally put an end to the Laurie Strode/Michael Myers story.

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