“The Handmaid’s Tale,” which premiered its fourth season on Hulu in April, cracked the top of Nielsen’s most recent report on the most-watched streaming television shows. The Elisabeth Moss-led series, which is a dystopian drama and adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel of the same name, has long been a strong viewership driver and critical success for the Disney-owned streaming service. Nielsen reported that the show was watched for 516 million minutes from May 17 to May 23, the most recent time frame for which numbers are available.

Eight Netflix titles rounded out the rest of Nielsen’s list of most-watched shows. Among those titles was “Jupiter’s Legacy,” which was the third most-viewed show on Nielsen’s list with 405 million minutes watched. “Jupiter’s Legacy,” which was cancelled shortly after it premiered, had topped Nielsen’s weekly streaming viewership reports for several weeks despite poor reviews from critics. The superhero show was an adaptation of the Mark Millar comic book series of the same name and served as one of Netflix’s first big-budget superhero series. Nielsen’s top 10 streaming television ratings for May 17 through May 23 can be viewed below:

  1. The Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu) – 516 million minutes
  2. Who Killed Sara (Netflix) – 500 million minutes
  3. Jupiter’s Legacy (Netflix) – 405 million minutes
  4. Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (Netflix) – 379 million minutes
  5. The Upshaws (Netflix) – 357 million minutes
  6. Lucifer (Netflix) – 321 million minutes
  7. Halston (Netflix) – 211 million minutes
  8. Shadow and Bone (Netflix) – 199 million minutes
  9. Castlevania (Netflix) – 188 million minutes Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.